A Level Drama & Theatre

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Please see the transition work to be completed in the summer between GCSE and the beginning of Year 12.

Transition Work

Course Overview

Head of Department: Ms Burwell

Decorative only

A Level Drama and Theatre enables students to become confident and independent theatre-makers, creating work which is playful, exploratory and challenging. Every year, our students make us proud with their creative responses to the world around them, as they explore the powerful communication between performers and audience.The course covers a huge range of skills, equipping students to become performers, designers, directors and critics, and enabling them to collaborate in making material which is thought-provoking and ambitious.'

“This is theatre – the art of looking at ourselves.”

Augusto Boal, 1992

What our students say about this course

Year 12 student

In no other lesson do you spend half an hour hanging upside down as Stephen Berkoff's bug-like creation Gregor.

In my opinion there's no other subject that pushes you so far both mentally and physically, or is as rewarding.

I plan to study Drama at University, as it's my passion and my dream to work in this world where you never stop learning.

Watch our video to discover more