A Level Further Maths

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Please see the transition work to be completed in the summer between GCSE and the beginning of Year 12.

Transition Work

Course Overview

Head of Department: Mr Horsell (Acting Head)

Studying Mathematics and Further Mathematics will develop your analytical, research and problem solving skills.

Not only will it give you the knowledge to tackle scientific, mechanical, coding and abstract problems but it will also help you to develop logic to tackle everyday issues such as planning projects and managing budgets. Both Mathematics and Further Mathematics are well respected by employers and universities because of their demanding nature and versatility.

The Russell Group informed choices guide names Mathematics as a “facilitating” subject, meaning it will help you in studying lots of other subjects and pursue lots of different careers.

We look forward to welcoming you onto our courses! 

What our students say about this course

Year 12 student

Further Maths is a rewarding and unique A Level that builds on the topics that you learn in Maths, introducing new and abstract concepts.

It has helped me build my confidence across all of my subjects, reinforcing my maths and problem solving skills as well as being a highly interesting and enjoyable course.

I find that the teachers at Coombe are supportive with anything that you may find challenging, providing help whenever you need it.

Watch our video to discover more